0,000000 0,000000 This is a timed label file that can be imported into Audacity. It presents suggested species of birds being mimicked by the Red-backed shrike in my (Ulf Elman) recording no 170520_13A, uploaded to Xeno Canto as XC386987. The labels in this file use the scientific names of birds. This very label, at line no 1 in the file, may be removed and replaced by your own data. If you replace other entries with your own data, please adhere to this language convention. The label file is stored as a .txt file, but notice that if changes to the file are made in software other than Audacity, it must be saved using the character coding UTF-8, otherwise Audacity is unable to read the file. Corresponding timed label files in other languages may be avaliable 0,000000 7,539659 Parus major 7,539659 16,535575 Turdus merula 16,535575 33,353007 Fringilla coelebs 33,353007 48,761157 Turdus philomelos 56,042447 67,645536 Parus major 71,215717 80,329074 It's own call 203,750213 217,523402 Turdus merula 217,523402 232,923803 Chloris chloris 232,923803 234,962540 Corvus corone 234,962540 239,994940 Anthus trivialis 239,994940 241,141717 Prionops plumatus 241,141717 243,700089 Anthus trivialis 246,671325 255,502825 Luscinia megarhynchos?